Pedagogical Contents Based on the Observations

            Teaching practicum overseas which conducted in my university has many positive values for my teaching preparation in the future. There are many positive effects that I got from this program such as I know the environment of the classroom, improvement for my teaching style for many types of students and find appropriate the activity used in teaching. First, the classroom environment is different because I thought university students who in pre-intermediate level. It makes me know how to deal with these kinds of students. Second is teaching style used to face university students is different from secondary students. They have their own characteristics in learning English. Third is using appropriate and interactive activity in teaching can help students get into the lessons. In engaging students into the lesson, I need to plan activity which makes students are active to participate in the classroom. 
In this section, I want to tell about my findings about pedagogical contents which used by the university. There will be teaching methods of the teacher that I observed, their learning materials and innovation, sources of learning and technology used by the teachers, authentic assessment used by the teachers. Based on my observations on eight teachers in 22 periods, I found different teaching style and approaches to the students. I also obseved some student teachers in order to gain more knowledge and inspiration for my teaching.
Firstly, teaching methods which used by the teacher that I observed are the presentation, drilling and sometimes using GTM. By considering students' level, these methods are expected to make the students can receive the material and implement the knowledge that they got. Their learning materials and innovation based on the topic on the books, such as geography, things  at  the doctor, music or something that related to their daily life. These topics are used by looking at their learning sources. The learning source which used by the teacher is Four Corners by Cambridge University Press. The teacher always use powerpoint slides to explain the material and some videos to be shown and support the learning process.
In conclusion, there are some positive points which can be adapted by student-teacher to conduct their teaching practicum based on the observations, such as using videos, powerpoint slides and some appropriate activities for the materials.


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